Category Archives: Convention Report

Reports on conventions.


  • The Association of Welsh Writing in English Conference: Cheryl is off into the wilds of Wales for a weekend of academia

  • LuxCon 2024: Cheryl gets to be a guest at a convention in Luxembourg

  • BristolCon 2023: Cheryl was not at Worldcon, and one of the main reasons is because it clashed with BristolCon

  • WorldCon Chengdu: There was a Worldcon in China. Not very many Westerners went, but those who did seemed to have had a wonderful time. Also the sky has not fallen.

  • FantasyCon: It was back to Birmingham for FantasyCon this year. Will they have finished digging up the streets?

  • Pemmi-Con: With Worldcon being in Chengdu, there was a NASFiC this year. Unusually, it was in Canada, which meant that Cheryl could attend.

  • The Pemmi-Con Masquerade: Small, but full of quality. Not quite the bee's knees, but definitely the chicken's legs.

  • Eurocon 2023: This year's Eurocon was in Sweden. Cheryl went along and had a great time.

  • HistFest 2023: Popular history writers have conventions too. Cheryl has been to one.

  • Swansea ComicCon 2023: Cheryl goes to her local ComicCon

  • Eastercon 2023: This year's Eastercon was a very mixed bag

  • SMOFCon #38: Cheryl takes a holiday in Montréal and finds out what is going on in the world of Worldcon.

  • When It Changed: An academic conference on the state of feminist science fiction

  • BristolCon 2022: Still small but perfectly formed

  • Chicon 8 – The 80th Worldcon: Another year, another Worldcon. Cheryl was (virtually) there.

  • FantasyCon 2022: The con that almost wasn't is amazingly successful

  • John Hertz’s Westercon Notebook: Westercon 74 took place this month. Cheryl couldn't be there, but John Hertz was.

  • Virtual Westercon 74: Westercon 74 was a hybrid convention. What did it look like from the UK?

  • Finncon 2022: Finland's national SF convention is taking place in person again

  • Åcon XI: Nordic fandom returns to the beautiful Åland islands, and Cheryl went too

  • Eastercon 2022: Is UK fandom getting back to "normal"? Sort of.

  • Worldcon 79 – DisCon3: This year's Worlcon has some spectacular highs, and some terrible lows.

  • World Fantasy 2021: Cheryl braved international air travel to attend the World Fantasy Convention in Montréal

  • Octocon 2021: Ireland's national convention was virtual again this year. Cheryl was "there".

  • BristolCon 2021: Cheryl reports back from her local convention in Bristol

  • FantasyCon 2021: An in-person convention! Cheryl was there.

  • SMOFcon 37¼: A review of 2020's virtual mini-SMOFcon.

  • World Fantasy 2020: A report on this year's (virtual) World Fantasy Convention in Salt Lake City

  • Futuricon: A report on Futuricon, the 2020 Eurocon held in Rijeka, Croatia

  • Octocon: A report on the 30th anniversary of Ireland's annual convention, Octocon.

  • FIYAHcon: A report on FIYAHcon, and event run by and for fans of colour

  • FutureCon: A report on a new online convention run largely out of Brazil, FutureCon.

  • Worldcon – Wellington: It was the first virtual Worldcon. What does that mean for the future of the convention?

  • NASFiC – Columbus: There was an unexpected virtual NASFiC. What did they learn from Worldcon?

  • WisCon Online: Cheryl reports from one of the first major conventions to go online thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • BristolCon 2019: Cheryl's report on the annual SF&F convention in Bristol.

  • FantasyCon 2019: Cheryl reports on the 2019 Fantasycon which took place in Glasgow

  • Eurocon in Belfast: A report of Titancon, the 2019 Eurocon in Belfast

  • Worldcon #77 in Dublin: A report on the 2019 World Science Fiction Convention held in Dublin, Ireland.

  • Finncon 2019: A report on the 2019 Finncon, at which Cheryl was a Guest of Honour.