Issue #12
This is the October 2019 issue of Salon Futura. Here are the contents.
Cover: The Green Man’s Heir: This month's cover features Ben Baldwin's artwork for Juliet E McKenna's award-nominated The Green Man's Heir.
Editorial – October 2019: In which there is mention of a first guest article, and some thoughts on the future publication schedule.
The Warrior Moon: A review of The Warrior Moon by K. Arsenault Rivera
Interview – Ellen Datlow: An interview with the multi-award-winning horror editor, Ellen Datlow.
FranKissStein: A Review of FranKissStein by Jeanette Winterson
The Pleasant Profession of Robert A Heinlein: A review of The Plesant Profession of Robert A Heinlein by Farah Mendlesohn
Feeling Badgered?: Kevin Standlee goes deep in the question of what makes a good convention badge.
Alice Payne Arrives: A Review of Alice Payne Arrives by Kate Heartfield
Shadows of Athens: A review of Shadows of Athens by JM Alvey
David Mogo, Godhunter: A review of David Mogo, Godhunter by Suyi Davies Okungbowa
Brightfall: A review of Brightfall by Jamie Lee Moyer
FantasyCon 2019: Cheryl reports on the 2019 Fantasycon which took place in Glasgow