Issue #22
This is the August 2020 issue of Salon Futura. Here are the contents.
Cover: Black Panther: The cover for issue #22 features Cheryl's favorite superhero
Unconquerable Sun: A review of the first book of Kate Elliott's new space opera, Unconquerable Sun
Harrow the Ninth: A review of book 2 in Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb Trilogy, Harrow the Ninth.
Lovecraft Country: As Lovecraft Country takes over our screens, Cheryl looks back on the original novel.
Worldcon – Wellington: It was the first virtual Worldcon. What does that mean for the future of the convention?
NASFiC – Columbus: There was an unexpected virtual NASFiC. What did they learn from Worldcon?
The Space Between Worlds: A review of The Space Between Worlds, a very promising science fiction debut by Micaiah Johnson
Selkie Summer: A review of Ken MacLeod's contemporary fantasy novella, Selkie Summer
Supergirl Season 5: In the latest season, Supergirl has a whole bunch of enemies to overcome, and a very real threat beats her.
Editorial – August 2020: Cheryl reflects on the loss of Chadwick Boseman and the significance of the character, Black Panther.