Editorial – May 2024

This issue is a bit thin again, but at least my life is starting to sort itself out. Most importantly, I have a car again. Which means I should be able to get to Worldcon with a bunch of books for sale.

On that topic, we have a new book due out from Wizard’s Tower in June. It is Mary Ellen, Craterean!, the latest in the Crater School books from Chaz Brenchley. I know I am biased, but I think Chaz has out-done himself this time. I found myself tearing up every time I did any work on it.

Also in the works, I’ve just exchanged contracts with a new writer, the first of whose novels should be out for Worldcon. Press release about that coming soon.

I’ve also been getting contracts back for a new anthology. Whether that one makes it in time for Worldcon depends mainly on whether we can get a cover in time. But it is very exciting.

Less exciting for you, but more so for me, is that I have a new kitchen tap. This means that said tap is not running continuously, and that I am not having to keep the water off at the mains for most of the day.

June is looking fairly quiet, save for a trip to Oxford to see Neil Gaiman give the Tolkien Lecture. But in July I will be off to Finncon, and having a brief side-trip to France thereafter. August, of course, is mad.