Editorial – February 2024

Thank goodness for the extra day in February. Without it I would most definitely not have got this issue out on time. Of course, when I re-started this magazine, February was one of the months I said I would skip, because I spend so much time on the road. LGBT+ History Month hasn’t gone away, but I was so busy in January that I elected to skip that month instead. Anyway, I have an issue done. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

This year looks like being a bumper year for Wizard’s Tower. We’ve just published paper editions of the original four books in Lyda Morehouse’s AngeLINK series. There’s one more to come. Plus we have a fun new space opera novel from Lyda. I have a new Crater School book from Chaz which is magnificent. And there are things happening in the world that may lead to me taking on a new author or two.

On International Women’s Day I will be off to Swansea for the launch of a new organisation called Women Publishing Wales. The Welsh publishing industry badly needs a shake-up. Hopefully this new organisation will do the trick.

Other than that, March is fairly quiet. I will not be at Eastercon. That’s mainly because in early April I will be off to Malta for an Assyriology conference, and then to Luxembourg for LuxCon.