Editorial – July 2022

Summer is a busy time for conventions. I have three con reports in this issue, though two of those are for the same convention. Big thanks are due to John Hertz for covering Westercon 74, which I could not attend in person.

There’s also a lot of Marvel content. I know, I’m a hopeless fangirl.

There will be no issue in August as I’ll be busy with Worldcon. Hopefully that will give me a chance to read some of the big novels I have on my TBR pile. I have some programme assignments for Worldcon, though things are not set in stone yet so that might change.

The other thing I’ll be busy with in August is the next Green Man book from Juliet McKenna. With FantasyCon not having a dealers’ room, we are discussing what to do about a launch. We’ll make an announcement on social media in due course.

This issue is dedicated to the memory of Nichelle Nichols who died on the day it went live. We owe her so much. We haven’t reached the end of Strange New Worlds in the UK yet, but I am very much enjoying it. Review next issue.