Editorial – May 2022

This issue comes to you live from Helsinki. I’m quite pleased that I have got an issue together with so much traveling, and distractions of various sorts. It isn’t quite as big as it might be. I still haven’t written the reviewing essay. I still haven’t watched the new Matrix movie, or the new Doctor Strange movie. I have watched Moon Knight, but I am waiting for the special episode of the History of Egypt Podcast we’ve been promised in which someone who knows far more about Egypt than I do will explain some of the nonsense. And two of the three conventions I attended this month have been hybrid. It is great that I was able to have some involvement in the Nebula Conference and in WisCon, but there was so much going on in meatspace that I didn’t manage to see enough of either to warrant a proper review.

I’ve also been reading books for possible publication. Announcements are likley to be forthcoming from Wizard’s Tower in due course.

First off the To Be Read pile for next month will be the new Guy Gavriel Kay novel, All the Seas of the World.
