Editorial – April 2022

Hello again. We have a decent-sized issue this time, I think, though I am acutely aware that I am very behind on my reading, particularly with respect to a number of very big novels. Thank goodness for novellas.

There is one thing I promised for this issue that I’m holding over for another month. That’s the essay on reviewing. As some of you will know, Paul Kincaid has a lot going on at the moment, and I don’t want to do anything right now other than send him my very best wishes.

Also I haven’t done a piece on the Hugo finalists. Broadly speaking I’m very happy. There are an awful lot of good finalists.

The next issue is due out while I will be at Ă…con, so technology might get in the way a bit, but I will do my best to get things sorted before I leave for Finland.

All that remains is for me to wish you a very happy Walpurgisnacht, especially those of you who will be spending a cold evening on a broomstick.