Editorial – October 2020

Woooooo! Welcome the the Hallowe’en edition of Salon Futura. Not that I particularly planned that. I never quite know when I will get the issue online. The only horror content is the Lovercaft Country review. But a very happy Sahmain to you all anyway.

You might notice a new look to the website with this issue. I wasn’t too happy with the old theme anyway, and then the people who made it issued an update that broke my child theme. Running a WordPress site with out of date versions of software is potentially dangerous, so I needed to switch. There may be one or two weird things for a while. If you see anything odd, let me know and I’ll fix it.

There are three convention reports in this issue, and I am attending World Fantasy this weekend. That’s four conventions in one month, which is a bit much even for me. I am hoping for a quieter time in November. The World Fantasy report will be in the next issue.

I’m still thinking about how many issues I should do in a year. Emerald City only had 10, giving a more relaxed schedule. However, in these days of being trapped in our homes by malicious microbes, I can’t really claim to be taking a holiday, and work is likely to slow down over the holiday season. I’d love to have a couple of weeks by the sea to catch up on reading, but I can’t see that happening any time soon.