Editorial – September 2020

We are a bit thin this month. There are a couple of novels that I wanted to include here, but did not manage to finish in time. Next month, promise.

Part of the problem is that I have been reading for work. One of the things about running a publishing company is that people send you books. If you like them you can’t review them, but you can get to publish them, which is even better. Interesting things may be forthcoming from Wizard’s Tower in 2021.

The other thing that has been eating my time is that work is picking up. I have even done an in-person (socially distanced) training course, but most of the demand is for online and that has required a lot of learning and some radical re-structuring of the material.

October promises to be full of conventions. We have Eurocon, Octocon, FIYAHcon and World Fantasy, though I expect the October issue to come out before the latter. Hopefully I will get to see some of you at at least one of them.