Editorial – January 2020

This issue is a little thinner than usual. That’s not because I have read fewer books, but because not all of them have been suitable for review. Two of the books I read in January have been books that I will be publishing later this year. Others have been history books, because February is LGBT History Month and I have a bunch of talks to give. What I have done is review a couple of TV series. And when putting the ‘zine together I realised that I have forgotten to write a review of Watchmen, so that will be in the next issue.

I will be on the road quite a bit in February, including a trip to Salzburg for an academic conference. Hopefully that will mean that I will get a lot of reading done. There’s a new William Gibson novel out, and I’ll be going to see him when his tour takes him to Bristol on Monday. There’s also a new Maria Turtschaninoff novel out, which I need to get read and reviewed before Swecon in March.