Editorial – December 2019

Well, that’s 2019 out of the way. I’m not going to do a review of the year because I always do that for the lovely people at Aqueduct Press. You can read my 2019 post here.

I did manage to forget a couple of books in that, so profuse apologies to Karen Lord and Kate Heartfield. Hopefully having this ‘zine to refer back to will make me somewhat less sloppy next year.

What I have done instead is port across all of the reviews I have written this year to this site. You can find them all under the Archive menu.

I have also added a bunch of menu entries for various types of post, and a full index of book reviews by author. There’s a little bit of coding magic involved in that so hopefully it will stay up to date and useful.

That’s all I have to say for this year. I’ll see you all again in 2020.