Pipeline: April 2011

Alvaro Zinos-Amaro presents some of the books due out in the coming month, as selected by our staff.

Embassytown - China Miéville

Embassytown, China Miéville (Ballantine, Macmillan) [Purchase] — A new China Miéville novel is always eagerly anticipated. See my review in this issue for more details of his first foray into straight science fiction — Cheryl Morgan

Eclipse Four - Jonathan Strahan

Eclipse Four, Jonathan Strahan (Night Shade) [Purchase] — This anthology series from Jonathan Strahan has quickly established itself as a must have book for original short fiction. Karen will be taking a look at the latest volume in the next issue. — Cheryl Morgan

This is the most exciting original short fiction anthology release for me each year. The Table of Contents for this fourth volume includes Kij Johnson, Michael Swanwick, Rachel Swirsky, Eileen Gunn, Jeffrey Ford and James Patrick Kelly. Can’t wait to see what they’re up to. — Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

The Steampunk Bible - Jeff VanderMeer & S.J. Chambers

The Steampunk Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists and Strange Literature, Jeff VanderMeer & S.J. Chambers (Abrams) [Purchase] — If you are into steampunk you have to get this book. — Cheryl Morgan

iZombie - Chris Roberson & Mike Allred

iZombie: Dead to the World Volume 1, Chris Roberson & Mike Allred (Vertigo) [Purchase] — If you listened to our podcast on graphic novels you will have heard me enthusing about Chris Roberson’s take on a teen girl zombie detective. The first collection is now in stores. — Cheryl Morgan

Vic Boone - Shawn Aldridge & Geoffo

Vic Boone, Shawn Aldridge & Geoffo (215 Ink) — Talking of comics, if you like them tinged with science fiction you might want to look out for this new series. Vic Boone is a traditional hard-boiled private eye, but he lives in the bizarre world of science fiction films from the days of drive-in movies. Issue #1 has a David Lloyd cover. — Cheryl Morgan

Resurrection Code - Lyda Morehouse

Resurrection Code, Lyda Morehouse (Mad Norwegian Press) [Purchase] — I loved Lyda’s AngelLINK novels, all of which I reviewed for Emerald City. This book is apparently a prequel. It tells the story of how a street rat living in the flooded remains of Cairo after the collapse of the Aswan dams came to be the master hacker known as the Mouse. — Cheryl Morgan

Mechanique - Genevieve Valentine

Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, Genevieve Valentine (Prime) [Purchase] — I’m always pleased to see people who we have published in Clarkesworld get their first novel out. Prime has given a start to several of my favorite writers including Catherynne Valente, K.J. Bishop, Theodora Goss, Holly Phillips and Ekaterina Sedia. I’m eager to see what Valentine has to offer. — Cheryl Morgan

Historical Lovecraft - Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles

Historical Lovecraft, Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles (eds.) (Innsmouth Free Press) [Purchase] — Those of you who have a passion for unearthly monstrosities will be interested in the latest offering from Innsmouth Free Press: an an anthology of tentacle-tinged tales in a variety of countries and time periods. — Cheryl Morgan

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Yasutaka Tsutsui

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Yasutaka Tsutsui (Alma books) [Purchase] — A curio of great interest in the world of Japanese science fiction, considering the multiple adaptations of the original for screen and manga. But how will a 1965 novella, originally printed in a magazine for 15-year-olds, hold up 40 years later? — Jonathan Clements

Life on Mars - Jonathan Strahan

Life on Mars: Tales from the New Frontier, Jonathan Strahan (eds.) (Viking Juvenile) [Purchase] — Strahan brings us a second original short fiction anthology this month, this one Mars-centric. Contributors include Alastair Reynolds, Stephen Baxter, Nancy Kress, Cory Doctorow, Ellen Klages and Kim Stanley Robinson. — Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

Times Three - Robert Silverberg

Times Three, Robert Silverberg (Subterranean) [Purchase] — This handsome reprint volume collects three very different takes by Silverberg on time travel: Hawksbill Station (1968), Up the Line (1969) and Project Pendulum (1987). I look forward to revisiting each of them. — Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

The Generation Starship in Science Fiction - Simone Caroti

The Generation Starship in Science Fiction: A Critical History, 1934-2001, Simone Caroti (McFarland & Company) [Purchase] — I’ve found this theme of interest for a while now, and it will be fun to see how it sustains book-length treatment. (For a short write-up on the Generation Starship that I contributed to Salon Futura, please see here). — Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

The Lying Brain - Melissa Littlefield

The Lying Brain: Lie Detection in Science and Science Fiction, Melissa Littlefield (University of Michigan Press) [Purchase] — This is a cultural history of deception and lie detection. I tend to enjoy studies that trace a particular subject through both science and popular culture, since one perspective often sheds light on the other. — Alvaro Zinos-Amaro