Editorial: February 2011

It is a cliché for a magazine editor to say that things are busy, because things are always busy when you are on a monthly schedule. Yet busy I am. Here’s a brief run-down of what is going on.

Firstly I’d like to welcome Alvaro Zinos-Amaro who will be editing the Pipeline column for us from now on, and hopefully contributing the occasional guest article. Also welcome back Karen, whose job editing the Locus Roundtable blog has got off to a great start.

Also we have two new publishers to welcome to our online store. You can read more about that in our New in Store column.

While we do have the usual two interviews this issue, one of them is audio only. I love doing video, but winter keeps people in their homes and sometimes a phone call is all that can be arranged. I tried recording Skype video, but the quality isn’t great. However, I was delighted to get to talk to Ann VanderMeer, even without the video. Our other interview is with the excellent Gary K. Wolfe.

In The Salon this month we have a group of small press owners, and I’m afraid that involves more discussion of how busy we all are. If you follow the Salon Futura iTunes feed you may also have noticed that we put out a bonus podcast in association with the Science Fiction Awards Watch website. In that, Kevin Standlee and I answer a bunch of questions about how the Hugo Awards work.

Between now and next issue, I shall be on the road, visiting three capital cities. I’m attending Picocon in London, the Cardiff Comics Expo and P-Con in Dublin. I hope to see some of you there.
