Editorial: December 2010

As explained last issue, we’ve taken a slightly longer gap between issues this time in order to drift towards a mid-month release date. That way we are not competing for attention with the various other magazines (including Clarkesworld) that come out at the beginning of the month. Also it means I don’t have to worry about producing a magazine in the middle of the holidays.

For this issue I’m delighted to welcome Alvaro Zinos-Amaro as a guest contributor. We have some interviews recorded at BristolCon, a podcast about steampunk, and the usual fine contributions from Karen, Sam and Jonathan. Simon Breeze’s cover was also picked up at BristolCon, where it was in the art show.

Probably the most important thing about this issue is that we now have a proper online shop up and running, which we are starting to stock with material from a range of small presses. Please check out the “New In Store” column to see what is happening on that front. I am absolutely delighted to be selling Sandra McDonald’s Diana Comet anthology.

Our next issue will be rather more art-themed. We have an interview with Paul Cornell about comics, and one with Judith Clute about her art. The podcast, assuming I can get a good group together, will also be about comics. Jonathan is working on an article on steampunk in Japan, though I’m not sure when that will be ready, and my own column will focus on writers who are new in 2010. Have a wonderful holiday season, and we’ll see you in January.